Fine art albums and print products for professional photographers

Register account

Folio Albums are only available to PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS. If you’re getting married or just had a portrait shoot and you want your images presented in amazing clarity on beautiful paper, ask your photographer about Folio Albums.

Account Approval Process

As an album company for professional photographers, please note that each registration is approved manually by our team. As such it may take 1-2 business days to receive your login details.

Typically, we review and approve account registrations in just a few hours. However, if you need urgent access, please register and then give us a call or online chat.

Let's create you an account ...

Like you, we’re passionate about print, quality and sustainability. We’re also passionate about supporting you and your business, not just with exceptional products, but also with business tools and education. It’s easy to create an account. Simply complete the form below and we’ll be in touch. 

Professional Photographers Only

Client Registration

Your details

We need just a few details so we can verify your photography business.

Your email address will also be your username
Your website or social media profile needs to clearly demonstrate that you're a professional photographer available for commissioned work.

Almost there ...

Before you submit the form for review, could you let us know which types of photography you focus on and how you heard about us? This helps us improve our services and products.

Our newsletter contains updates on our products, services and holiday deadlines. We don't sell or share your details with anyone else, and we only send a couple of emails per month. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Oh stop it, you're making us blush

Feedback we love to share

Alexandra Golden

Customer service is second to none. Absolutely fantastic. A handwritten note and perfectly packaged products delivered quickly. Also I was having issues resizing the logo to the specification needed and straight away a member of the team helped me and sent me the file altered to use in the future. Couldn’t be more pleased.

Thank you everyone at folio!

Alexandra Golden

Alexandra Lewis

Mark Battista

Why on earth would you use anybody else! Folio Albums make the very best quality albums that you will have ever seen, they are all beautifully handmade, ethically sourced and exquisitely presented! I have used a number of album suppliers over the ten years that I have been a professional photographer but none with the same level of attention to detail and customer focus as Folio Albums – their customer service is second to none! When you’re a busy photographer it’s nice to know that your album supplier has got your back. If you asked me to recommend an album supplier, I’d recommend Folio Albums in a heartbeat! Thank you for being amazing! 🙂

Mark Battista

Mark Battista Photography

Kate Cowan

I’ve just received my first Fine Art album for my newborn photography business and it is just absolutely stunnng! I just love it. The help and support I had from the staff at Folio putting together the album was second to none and everybody I have spoken to has been just so lovely and helpful. I’m sure the quality of the album will sell itself and I will definitely be using Folio as my album supplier. Just brilliant!

Kate Cowan

Kalaco Portrait